1. Read And Analyze The Text "The Benefits Of Cow's And Goat's Milk…

1. Read and analyze the text “The Benefits of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk”; 2. After analyzing the text, get the important information of the text and complete the graphic organizer, and
3. Try to revise and edit your work to counprehensively present the important differences and similarities of the text.

The Benefits of Cow’s and Goat’s Milk Despite these kinds of benefits from cow’s milk, there are several reasons to avoid cow’s milk. When some people drink cow’s milk they may experience stomach problems. Scientists recently found that goat’s milk has five-time vitamins than cow’s mulk. It has less fat and it is easier to digest. In addition, goat’s milk doesn’t cause any problem.



  • COW’S MILK – It might cause stomach problems to those humans who would consume it.
  • GOAT”S MILK- goat’s milk has five-time vitamins than cow’s milk. It has less fat and it is easier to digest. In addition, goat’s milk doesn’t cause any problem.


Both cow and goat’s milk are from animals. These milks are both consumed by humans and are available in supermarkets. They both contains essential vitamins for humans.


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