Assessment 1. Now, You Are Done Reading The First Part Of The Story, Ibong Ad…

Assessment 1. Now, you are done reading the first part of the story, Ibong Adarna. This time, you will answer the following. Write your answer on the spaces provided for. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. What is the characteristic of King Fernando? Is he a good king and a good father to his three sons? Prove your answer. 2. Who was the king’s favorite? Comparing the situation to your family, do you parents also have favorites? 3. What is the quality of the Filipino being shown by Don Juan especially in facing all the difficulties he encountered in the story?4. Do you think there are people like Don Juan in your lives? Who are they? 5. If you were Don Juan, how can you tell your siblings not to be greedy?Assessment 2. You have just finished reading the second part of the story and I guess so much exciting is in store for you to finish it. Before that, I want you to answer the follow..g questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Why did Don Juan choose to go down the pit or well? What does he want to prove? 2. How did Don Pedro insist on his birth right or being the eldest? Is it natural for families to value sibling’s position? Is this right? Why? 3. Does envy happen in real life a Don Pedro felt to don Juan? Why? What is the effect and how to prevent it?4. If you were Juana or Leonora, would you easily love Don Juan? Why? 5. If you were Don Juan, would you accept all the tests or challenges that would be given to you? Why?​

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Assessment 1

King Fernando is a good king and a good father to his three sons. He is kind and just, and he loves his sons very much. He is also wise and compassionate, and he always puts the needs of his people first.

The king’s favorite son is Don Pedro. This is because Don Pedro is the eldest son, and in Filipino culture, the eldest son is traditionally the favorite. However, I do not think that it is fair for the king to have a favorite son. All of the sons should be treated equally, regardless of their birth order.

Don Juan shows the Filipino quality of being brave and resourceful. He is not afraid to face challenges, and he always finds a way to overcome them. He is also kind and compassionate, and he always helps those in need.

Yes, I think there are people like Don Juan in our lives. These are the people who are always willing to help others, even when it is difficult. They are the people who are always looking for ways to make the world a better place.

If I were Don Juan, I would tell my siblings that it is not wrong to want to be successful, but it is wrong to be greedy. I would also tell them that they should be happy for each other’s successes, and that they should not try to bring each other down.

Assessment 2

Don Juan chose to go down the pit or well because he wanted to rescue Donya Juana. He wanted to prove that he was brave and that he was willing to do anything to help those in need.

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Don Pedro insisted on his birthright or being the eldest by claiming that he was the one who should have been sent to rescue Donya Juana. He believed that as the eldest son, he had the right to inherit the kingdom and that he should be the one to carry out the most important tasks. While it is natural for families to value a sibling’s position, it is not right to insist on one’s birthright over the needs of others.

Envy is a common emotion that can happen in real life. It is often caused by feelings of insecurity or inferiority. Envy can have a negative impact on relationships, as it can lead to resentment, bitterness, and even hatred. To prevent envy, it is important to focus on one’s own strengths and accomplishments, and to be grateful for what one has.

If I were Juana or Leonora, I would not easily love Don Juan. I would need to get to know him better and see if he is truly a kind and compassionate person. I would also need to see if he is capable of loving me unconditionally.

If I were Don Juan, I would accept all of the tests or challenges that would be given to me. I would do my best to overcome them, and I would learn from my mistakes. I believe that challenges can help us to grow and become stronger people.

I hope this helps!