*Ave, Ben And Ces Are Working Out With A 25-kg Barbell, Ave N…

*Ave, Ben and Ces are working out with a 25-kg barbell, Ave needed 20 s to lift the barbell to a height of 1.0 m. Ben needed only 10 s to lift the same barbell at the same height. While Ces needed 40 s to perform the same task. Which statement below is correct about Ave, Ben and Ces?


Compared to Ben, the power done by Ave is greater.


Compared to Ben, the work done by Ave is greater.


Compared to Ben, the power done by Ces is lesser.


Compared to Ben, the work done by Ces is lesser.


C. Compared to Ben, the power done by Ces is lesser


Formula for Power=Force×Velocity

where velocity=distance÷time

All of them are lifting the same object to the same height, they inly differ in the amount of time it needs to lift the barbell.

From the formula of velocity, time is inversely proportional, which means that the greater the time it takes to cover the same distance, the velocity decreases.

Since Ces took way longer than Ben, Ces’ velocity is lesser, which would result to a lesser power done compared to Ben.

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