Empowerment Technology Definition

empowerment technology definition


Empowerment Technology – is a professional web and software development company and providing technical training on various technologies.

Empowerment Technology or E-Tech often deals with the use of different technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, computer and other devices to locate, save, communicate and to inform.


Important of Empowerment Technology:

  • Communication– Empowerment Technology is important for it is used as a source of communication.
  • To make our lives easier– Empowerment Technology is important since it makes our individual lives easier in different aspects such as for school matters, office or work matters and for our individual matters.
  • Help our country for its modernization plans– Empowerment Technology is important for it also helping our country for its modernization plans. We are now living in a world where everyone is upgrading its systems. It is called modernization. Empowerment technologies can help in modernization because it can strengthen our plans to be competitive with other countries by building up some new technologies for the betterment of our nation.

Empowerment Technology is important for its innovative uses is sufficient in our daily lives.

For additional information about empowerment technology just clcik this link: https://brainly.ph/question/689190

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