Experimental Probability​

experimental probability​


Experimental probability is that Probability which is found by the help of simultaneous experiments.

Step-by-step explanation:

For example,

  • You are answering a question.

So, let’s assume that, you and Ninja is answering questions in which you answered 6 maths and 8 hindi questions. And Ninja answered 9 maths and 6 hindi questions.

Now, if we need to find the experimental Probability of the question being answered is of maths by you, then we will find it as

P(maths ques.) = Total maths Questions answered by you/Total Questions answered by you

=> P(maths ques) = 6/(6+8)= 6/14 = 3/7

And, if we need to find the experimental probability of the question being answered is of hindi by Ninja , then we will find it as

P(hindi q) = Total Hindi Questions By Ninja / Total Questions By Ninja.

=> P(Hindi q) = 6/(6+9) = 6/15 = 2/5.



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