Exposition Of The Story My Father Goes To Court By Carlos Bulos…

exposition of the story My father goes to court by Carlos Bulosan ​


“My Father Goes to Court” is a short story written by Carlos Bulosan that revolves around the themes of social class, justice, and identity. The story is set in the Philippines during the early 1900s, under the American colonial period.

The story follows the protagonist, a young boy who belongs to a poor family, as he accompanies his father, who is a tenant farmer, to court. His father has been summoned to court by his landlord, who accuses him of stealing a pair of carabaos (water buffalo). The boy’s father is innocent and has no evidence to prove his innocence, and as a result, he feels scared and nervous.

The story highlights the social inequality that existed in the Philippines during the colonial period. The rich landlords held all the power and could easily manipulate the justice system to their advantage. The poor farmers had no voice and were often oppressed and exploited by their landlords.

As the trial proceeds, the boy’s father becomes increasingly worried as he sees how the judge, the lawyers, and the landlords are all working together against him. The boy, however, sees the situation differently. He believes that his father is an honest man and that he deserves justice. He also sees how his father is being treated unfairly and how the landlords are using their power to oppress the poor.

The story reaches its climax when the boy decides to take matters into his own hands. He bravely stands up in court and accuses the landlord’s son of stealing the carabaos. The boy’s accusation is met with disbelief and scorn, but he stands his ground and refuses to back down. The judge, impressed by the boy’s bravery, decides to investigate the matter further and eventually discovers that the landlord’s son did indeed steal the carabaos.

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In the end, justice is served, and the boy’s father is exonerated. The story ends with the boy’s father being hailed as a hero by his fellow farmers, and the boy realizing that he too has the power to stand up for what is right and just.

Overall, “My Father Goes to Court” is a powerful story that highlights the injustices of the social class system in the Philippines during the American colonial period. It shows how the poor were often oppressed and exploited by the rich and how justice could be manipulated to serve the interests of the powerful. The story also celebrates the power of courage and bravery in the face of injustice, as seen through the actions of the young boy who stood up for his father’s innocence.

Exposition Of The Story My Father Goes To Court By Carlos Bulos…

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