If You Are To Write A Letter To Our Frontliners, To Whom Would You…

If you are to write a letter to our frontliners, to whom would you address it? Why?


Janitors, because I know that janitor is just a janitor (base on others) I will write a letter to them to show them that they’re important to us and they’re not just a janitor that other’s thinking.


Because janitors also sacrifices their life to keep the safety of others

A lot of us didn’t keep an eye on them because of their work but for me, they’re one of the most important frontliners to us. Appreciate their simple work:>

Answer: Nurses


If I were to write a letter to our frontlines, I would address it to the nurses. Among health care workers, nurses are one of the most underrated frontliners. They are the backbone of health care, they provide nursing interventions to patients which does is not limited to physiological but as well as in all aspects such as social and emotional. They work on a toxic environment yet continues to work despite having small salaries. During this pandemic, they continued to work putting their lives on the line. Nurses should be appreciated, that’s why if I were to write a letter, it would be addressed to them.

If You Are To Write A Letter To Our Frontliners, To Whom Would You…

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