Independent Assessment 3 Classify The Functions Of Communication To Whi…

Independent Assessment 3
Classify the functions of communication to which the following communication situations/contexts belong. Write your answer on the blank provided before each number
1. The teacher discussed the lessons in Oral Communication in Context.
2 The priest encouraged the devotees to follow and live accordingly to the words of God.
3. The students attended the acquaintance ball.
4.The newly elected official expressed her gratitude to her supporters.
5.The guidance counselor oriented the freshmen about the school’s rules and regulations.
6.PAGASA released the latest weather bulletin.
7. The law enforcer apprehended the traffic violator.
8.The student thanked his parents during his speech.
9. Your mother asked you to wash the dishes.
10. The speaker shared her stories of success to the audience and motivated them that they can do the same.


Information dissemination


social interaction

social interaction


information dissemination


Emotional expression

social interaction


hope it’s help y’all

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