On: Choose The Correct Syllabication Of The Following Words. 3. Skimming A) Ski/m…

on: Choose the correct syllabication of the following words. 3. skimming A) ski/mming B) skim/mi/ng C) skimm/ing D) skim/ming 1. rabbit A) rab/bi/t B) rabb/it C) rab / bit D) ra/bbit 4. father A) fa/ther B) fath/er C) fat/her D) fa/th/er 2.winter A) wint/er B) win/ter C) winter D) win/ter 5. flower A) flo/wer B) flowe/r C) flow/er D) flo/w/er 10. mountain A) mo/un/tain B) moun/tain C) moun/ta/in D) mou/ntain​


3. A) ski/mming

1. A) rab/bi/t

4. A) fa/ther

2. C) winter

5. C) flow/er

10. B) moun/tain


1. B.

2. D

3. D.

4. A.

5. A

I hope this helps <333

On: Choose The Correct Syllabication Of The Following Words. 3. Skimming A) Ski/m…

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