Performance Task #4 Tally Jack En Poy (rock-paper-scissor) Is A Hand Game Played…

performance task #4

Tally Jack en Poy (rock-paper-scissor) is a hand game played between two people. It has three forms – the rock paper and scissors. Let us do this activity. 1. Get a poriner ( older brother sister father, mother or any member of your family) to play against with 2. Discuss how many points must one have to be declared as Winner. 3. Play the game. 4. Record your scores. Rock 5. Put marks on the tally column at the right. Paper 6. Do this experiment for 20 times. Scissors 7. Answer the following questions. a. How many times did rock win in the activity? Paper? Scissors b. Which hand’s form won the most? Least?

A. how many times did rock win in the activity?____________________



b. Which hand’s form won the most?_____________



Nasa pic sagot

Step-by-step explanation:

  • i hope it helps
  • pa brainliest
  • have a nice day
  • carry on learning

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