Question: If You Were Given A Chance To Be A Filipino Thinker What Would Be…

Question: If you were given a chance to be a Filipino Thinker what would be the title of your work?
Do you think your work Will have relation to the social issues we are facing now? why?

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If I will be given a chance to choose a job that can help to solve the social issues of my country, I like to be a teacher or educator. Why? I believe that “Education is a wealth you can give to one person”. Our country’s problem that cannot be solve is poverty. Why? Most poor Filipinos are not literate enough to earn a living or have a decent job. Why there are a lot of uneducated Filipinos? Because ever since only the previlage ones only receives high quality education while the poor don’t and rather choose not to learn because of low quality supplies and facilities. That is why if I was given a chance to be a teacher I will educate and teach my fellow unfortunate Filipinos and inspire them to work hard and improve their lives.

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