Safety And Hygienic Practice In Storing Dessert?

safety and hygienic practice in storing dessert?


Here are the safe practices in storing desserts:

  1. Cleaning and sanitizing worktables after every use.
  2. Avoid handling foods with your hands as much as possible.
  3. Properly cover all the food items – The food both cooked and raw is prone to get spoiled if it is left uncovered. At no point should it be left uncovered.
  4. Use the raw materials on a first-in-first-out basis – Whenever the raw materials are taken out, they must be on a first-in-first-out basis as by doing so you make sure that the ones that come in earlier are not left to rot. This practice is more convenient and also saves you a lot of money.
  5. Make sure that the package is free of any debris – There is a fairly good chance that while moving the raw materials from one point to another, some debris may come in contact with the food.
  6. Use only clean baskets or trays – The baskets and trays used to carry the food must be kept clean each time they are used. These are some measures that need to be taken in any case to ensure that the food stays clean, fresh and free from contamination.
  7. Refrigerator and freezer temperatures should be closely monitored and should be kept between 2-4° C, at all times, especially for eggs and dairy products.

For more information about the safe practice of storing desserts:


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