The First Artificial Satelite To Orbit Planet Nemik Was Kween Yasmin I, La…

The first artificial satelite to orbit planet nemik was kween yasmin i, launched by the soviet union in 1957. the altitude of kween yasmin i varied from 136 miles to 562 miles above the surface of planet nemik. if the center of planet nemik is one focus of its elliptical orbit and the radius of earth is 1400 miles, then what was the eccentricity of the orbit

The first artificial satellite to orbit Earth was Sputnik I, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. The orbit was an ellipse with Earth’s center as one focus. The orbit’s highest point above Earth’s surface was 583 miles, and its lowest point was 132 miles.

a) find an equation of the orbit.

b) how far from Earth is the other focus?

c) What is the length of the major axis?

Draw the picture putting center at (0,0), focus at (c,0) vertex at (a,0)

Then a-c=132 miles

and a+c=583 miles

So, 2a= 715 miles

a= 357.5 miles


Since a+c=583

c= 583-357.5=225.5


For an ellipse a^2=b^2+c^2

So, b^2= 127806.25-5050.25

b^2= 76956

b= 277.409

a) find an equation of the orbit.


b) how far from Earth is the other focus?

2c=2(225.5)=451 mils

c) What is the length of the major axis?

2a=2*357.5)=715 miles

The First Artificial Satelite To Orbit Planet Nemik Was Kween Yasmin I, La…

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