Week 6. Probability Of An Event: Experimental Probability And Theoretical Probabil…

week 6. probability of an event: experimental probability and theoretical probability


Theoretical probability is what we expect to happen, where experimental probability is what actually happens when we try it out.

Step-by-step explanation:

The probability is still calculated the same way, using the number of possible ways an outcome can occur divided by the total number of outcomes.


Experimental Probability is the chance of something being chosen according to experiments and statistics.

Theoretical probabilty is the chance of something being chosen through theory such as:

Example: A coin has 2 sides. The certain percentage is 100%. So 100% divided by 2 since a coin has 2 sides( heads and tails). Therefore, there is 50% chance of each side being chosen. 50% chance to get heads and 50% chance of getting tails.

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