What Is Power Empowerment?​

what is power empowerment?​


Power can be defined as the degree of control over material, human, intellectual and financial resources exercised by different sections of society.

There are different expressions of power: ‘Power over’ involves repression, force, coercion, discrimination, corruption and abuse, and is readily reproduced. ‘Power with’ involves finding common ground among different interests and building collective strength. ‘Power within’ refers to a person’s sense of self-worth and self-knowledge.

Empowerment is a debated topic with multiple and sometimes misleading meanings. Most definitions combine the goals of building confidence with those of eliminating barriers that underpin exclusion and powerlessness. Empowerment involves individual discovery and change whereby participants question their roles and the world around them. This can cause tensions and may cause some people to withdraw from the process. Political change efforts can also generate backlash and be dangerous to those involved.

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