What Is The Antonyms Of Solicitation​

what is the antonyms of solicitation​


Synonyms & Antonyms of solicit

1to go around and approach (people) with a request for opinions or information

solicited several opinions about which job he should accept

Synonyms for solicit

canvass (also canvas), interview, poll, survey

Words Related to solicit


interrogate, question

feel (out), sound (out)

Near Antonyms for solicit


2to make a request for

always ready to solicit donations for a charity

Synonyms for solicit

ask (for), bespeak, call (for), desire, plead (for), quest, request, seek, speak (for), sue (for)

Words Related to solicit

apply (for), beg (for), claim, clamor (for), importune, urge, wish (for)

demand, enjoin, exact, insist (on), petition (for), press (for), require, requisition

invite, invoke

3to make a request of

solicited him to join the team

Synonyms for solicit

ask, hit (up), request

Words Related to solicit

appeal (to), beg, beseech, conjure, entreat, implore, importune, invite, invoke, petition, plead (to), pray, supplicate

demand, enjoin, exact, press, require

Phrases Synonymous with solicit

call on (or call upon)

Near Antonyms for solicit

coerce, compel, constrain, force, oblige, require

4to make a request to (someone) in an earnest or urgent manner

solicit the President for relief funds

Synonyms for solicit

appeal (to), beg, beseech, besiege, conjure, entreat, impetrate, implore, importune, petition, plead (to), pray, supplicate

Words Related to solicit

bludge [chiefly Australian & New Zealand], cadge, mooch, sponge

ask, desire, invoke, request, sue

claim, coerce, command, compel, demand, force, insist, require

Phrases Synonymous with solicit

call on (or call upon)

Near Antonyms for solicit

hint, imply, intimate, suggest

appease, conciliate, gratify, mollify, oblige, pacify, placate, please, satisfy

comfort, console, content, quiet

5to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage

how many men have been solicited into purchasing bogus aids for “male enhancement” by shameless appeals to their vanity?

Synonyms for solicit

allure, bait, beguile, betray, decoy, entice, lead on, lure, seduce, tempt

Words Related to solicit

draw in, inveigle, persuade, rope (in), snow

catch, enmesh (also immesh), ensnare, entrap, mesh, snare, tangle, trap

bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, magnetize, wile

Near Antonyms for solicit

alert, caution, forewarn, ward (off), warn

drive (away or off), repulse, turn away



that would be refusal,dislike or discouragement


the act of asking for or trying to obtain something from someone.

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