What Is The Lesson You Learn About Alamat Ng Pinya

What is the lesson you learn about alamat ng pinya

Ang Alamat ng Pinya (The Legend of Pineapple)

In this story, Pina is a very lazy daughter. She always asks her mother where can she find the thing that her mother wants her to find. One day, her mother got really angry at Pina due to her disrespect and laziness and wished that she must be granted a lot of eyes so that she can find things she must find. This became true and a Pina was believed to be the strange plant with a fruit that has physical appearance that looks like eyes.

Lesson learned:

  • Don’t be lazy.
  • Be respectful to your parents.
  • Use the gifts given to us by God properly.




The lesson of the ALAMAT NG PINYA is that we should be obedient to what our parents command us to do. Do not bully, rather try to finish the task of becoming a standard child.

That’s all 🙂 hoped I helped you

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