Which Are The Best Examples To Include In A Career Portfolio? Photograph, A Current Re…

Which are the best examples to include in a career portfolio? photograph, a current resume, and a birth certificate ethnic identity, professional recommendations, and a cover letter birth certificate, current work samples, and a photograph work samples, professional recommendations, and a resume

A career portfolio should have a good sample of the person’s work so that any potential employer could make the right decision when thinking of hiring. In the Philippines, what is usually needed is a resume, sample works (of course the best ones), photographs of work samples, professional recommendations and an application cover letter. There is no need for an ethnic card since we do not have that anyway, unless part of the IP in the Philippines. The same goes for a birth certificate or an ID  photo. These could be asked for a part of the employee record but should not as part of the work portfolio.

When assembling a career portfolio make sure you include the best work you have ever done. If the work could have a short description, better. Also, make sure you have professional recommendations or testimonials from previous clients. Also make sure that your Facebook profile looks clean and professional. Do not use dummy accounts or accounts with inverted names (like NauJ Aled Zurc).


For more information:

Career Wheel: https://brainly.ph/question/2716558

Factors Affecting Career Choices: https://brainly.ph/question/2162021

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