1. How Do You Understand Embroidery? 2. Can You Name Basic Tools In Embroider…

1. How do you understand embroidery? 2. Can you name basic tools in embroidery? 3. How are these embroidery tools classified? TOOLS/IMPLEMENTS MATERIALS Prepared by: MIRASOL M TLE TEAC​


1. Embroidery is the craft of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply thread or yarn. Embroidery may also incorporate other materials such as pearls, beads, quills, and sequins.

2. You can’t sew without needles, and having the right needle for the right job is very important. There are three basic needles used for embroidery tools and they come in different sizes. The three main needles are crewel, tapestry and milliner needles. Crewel needles have a short sharp tip.

3. Tools.


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Write A if the statement is true and write B if the statement is false.

__1. The summary begins by citting the title, author, source, and, in the case of a magazine or journal article, the date of publication and the text.

__2. A summary is a job with a particular, perpetual arragement of rules.

__3. The thesis statement is stated at the middle part of the summary.

__4. The author supports his/her thesis with supporting ideas.

__5. You can’t restate the ideas in your own words. You may use direct quotations.

__6. Summaries must be opionated.


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